A lot of resources about online poker playing have been distributed worldwide – whether online or in books. They can speak about poker tips and strategies that a player could use in his game. The more it would be helpful to a gamer if it came from poker experts and those who have been in the game for quite some time. Hence, beginners would know the ins and outs of poker playing and would learn how to play the game effectively in just a quick span of time. What these experts have learned for months and years of playing can now be learned in a matter of hours or days. That is most possible with online poker since a player can play hundreds (or even thousands) of tables in a day.
But as strategies are often being used and as game play progress, individuals would see the strategy pretty much repetitive, would find it pretty boring, and would want to start something new. Thus, the need for a refresher.
While experts expose their gaming secrets, individuals who are learning them are also discovering strategies on their own making a counter-strategy. When all seems so “usual”, their counters would be the next masterpiece in online poker playing. And the cycle starts there.
In online poker, once a strategy is learned, practiced, and perfected, a counterpart would always emerge as a winning strategy. And as the discovering of strategy and trends goes on, so does the counter-strategies. How this would end is unknown. How this started is much easier to answer – it started with one good strategy.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
1 comment:
I can see a huge varieties of strategies discussed over the internet, and I must admit that these strategies are completely overwhelming.. Sometimes, it's causing confusion.. But, what people should understand is the fact that strategies greatly vary, and that they should master one strategy that they think will work for everyone..
poker texas hold'em strategies
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