Almost every source of income of every individual faces the word TAX. According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, tax is a charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.
The popularity of online poker has undeniably risen from where it took off. More people playing, betting, and winning. Some play poker for fun, while others treat poker as an alternative source of income aside from their usual 9-5 job.
Since people are earning from online poker, is it just right to impose tax on it too?
Other countries, like Canada, have imposed taxes on online poker. Maybe because they could see that it brings in more income to people, meaning for revenue or money for public use - and it's a good thing if it really would go for public use.
Other countries who ban online poker, or that it hasn't been legalized yet may not have seen this little advantage of the game. It could help one way or another. But that's speaking about the advantages of placing income on online poker on the side of the authorities or government.
The big question would be: would the people playing online poker like the thought of it? Maybe yes, if they do think about the welfare of most people and if they do think that it could help the community, state, or country in a way. But others may not like it. It's their alternative way of living, they earn extra money in playing the game to somehow help them earn extra money to get pass the day. With crisis looming over the corner, people would want to earn extra and earn big.
Would the people go for it? Would the people like the thought of it? Would the people love the effects of it? The things is... it's money matters, and it's complicated.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago